What to Expect During the Sugar Detox

Published On: October 15th, 2016Categories: Blog1.2 min read

Wondering what your sugar detox experience will be like? I’ve got you covered. Here is everything you can expect from the sugar detox!

What to Expect


Some people find that for the fist few days of the detox they are constantly eating. Don’t worry, this is your body’s way of regulating your blood sugar. Your body wants to be in a state of balance. Once your blood sugar levels are stable, you may find that you can go for hours without even thinking about food. Food Freedom!

 Sugar Cravings

As your body goes from buring sugar to burning fat, it will crave the quick energy sources it was used to. These recipes can help! Eat protein and fat to help combat these cravings, or go for a brisk walk. Physical activity is a great distraction!

Physical Symptoms

You may suffer from headaches, joint/muscle pain, fatigue, or skin rashes.

This is normal, don’t stop! When the liver doesn’t have to focus so much on detoxifying the overload of alcohol and excess sugar, it can start detoxifying from the body’s fat stores. These detoxifying symptoms typically last 1-5 days.

 Research has shown that as many as one-third of people going through a sugar detox experience such symptoms. DON’T GIVE UP!! Once the veil has lifted, you will experience better sleep, weight loss, clearer skin, more energy, mental clarity, decreases in pain, lifts in mood, and numerous other possible positive effects. 

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