How To Get Restful Sleep
She was going to break her neck, I was sure of it! She came spinning down from the 30 ft. ceiling through ribbons and would suspend herself in a graceful pose right before she would’ve hit. It was amazing and nerve-wracking at the same time. My friend Shaunne and I went to see the Moisture Festival in Seattle. It was specular! It had a variety of acrobats, magicians, clowns and more. This festival had us in complete awe and laughing so hard our faces hurt. It also had us missing sleep and staying up past 1 am.
I don’t drink but the next morning I felt hungover. Out of sorts. It was worth it but had me thinking about all the people who are chronically not getting enough sleep. If you have any complaints about your energy, mood, weight gain, digestion, brain fog, or low immunity, then proper sleep is a TOP priority if you want to start improving your health.
Sleep and The Anabolic State
Why is sleeping so important? Sleep is the only time that you go into an anabolic state. This is when you do your healing and repairing. Think about it: when you’re sick, you usually don’t start feeling better until you get a full night’s rest. Even your cuts and scratches will be pretty much the same until you get your sleep on and voila: practically healed in the morning.
Sleep is like you plugging in your phone and recharging for the day. Without a full charge, you’re running at a deficit.
The anabolic state is healing and repairing, it’s what we do when we sleep. The opposite state is called the catabolic state. You guessed it, this is the metabolic breakdown of complex matter such as proteins and lipids.
How To Get The Sleep You Need
I don’t think I need to dive deep into the subject of why healing and repair are crucial for your optimal health. Instead, let me give you some tools on how to start getting the sleep your body has been craving.
- Create a bedtime routine. Us humans are creatures of habit & rhythm. When your body knows from your routine that it’s “wind down” time, sleep comes more naturally.
- Go to bed & wake up around the same time
- Put on pajama’s or loungewear
- Have tea or a symbolic evening routine to symbolize the night time.
- No devices before bed. Honestly, one of the worst things you can do for your sleep is to check your social media, e-mail or even just look at your screen. All of these can mess up your sleep rhythm. Social media & e-mail can start your mind spinning, and the screens of devices send a signal to your brain that it’s sunlight, messing up your natural sleep rhythm.
- Turn your phone on airplane mode 2 hrs before bed.
- Make a pact with yourself, no internet 2 hrs before bed.
- Don’t eat right before bed. Digestion is hands-down one of the hardest functions our bodies have to do and requires a lot of energy. If you eat before bed, your body’s priorities shift. The first priority is to break down and digest. With your body’s need to digest, your body doesn’t shift into the repair mode, leaving you feeling less than optimal.
- No food ideally 2-4 hrs. before bed.
- Brush your teeth after dinner to help with late night snacking.
- Set a goal. Can you do this 5 days a week?
- Create a cool, dark room to sleep in. Any artificial light can mess up your body’s natural circadian rhythm. Block out any light that you can. That includes alarm light and any LED light (for example, from a DVD player).
- Use duct tape to block out any pesky lights
- Use a sleeping mask
- Utilize Earplugs if needed
- Crack a window open for fresh air
- Don’t have your animals sleep in bed with you. I know, we all love our furry, cuddly creatures but they can disrupt our sleep. So if you want to be your best you, I suggest you start training your furry buddy to have their own bed.
- Breathwork or Meditation: Is a powerful way to shift your state of being into parasympathetic mode, otherwise known as rest and digest. My favorite breath technique is to breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4, exhale for four and hold for four.
- Still need some extra help? Herbs and supplements can help! Herbs and supplements can also be a powerful supportive sleep aid.
- Some teas that are great are chamomile, kava, Organic Nighty Night, bedtime teas
- Some people find that taking Magnesium before bed helps. Other helpful supplements are valerian root and melatonin.
What helps you get to bed? I want to know! Comment below.