Have you ever lost weight and gained it back?

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If so, you’re not alone. Did you know that 98 to 99% of people that lose weight on a weight loss diet gain it back within a year?

Unfortunately, this keeps happing again and again, also known as yo-yo dieting. The sad part is people blame themselves for a lack of “willpower” but keep trying the same thing; restrict, deprive and work harder.

Doing the same thing but expecting different results…. what’s that called? Oh yeah, insanity.

Ask yourself this:

Do you think that emotions, beliefs, and our thoughts have anything to do with the way we eat?
Do you believe that:

  • Food is the enemy?
  • Fat will make you fat?
  • The real way to weight loss is exercise more and eat less?
  • If only I looked and ate a certain way, then I would be happy?

Vitamins, minerals and the food you eat is only part of the story of good nutrition and health. The other part is who you are as an eater.

Do you believe that your emotions have anything to do with the way you eat, and perceive yourself?

I’m here to help you break through nutritional toxic beliefs and create the long, sustained changes you’ve been wanting.

I’m a Mind/Body Nutrition Coach specializing in:

  • Emotional eating
  • Binge eating
  • Over eating
  • Unresolved digestive issues
  • Body Image

My goal is to help you find that next layer of feeling good that you forgot existed. I’ve been studying and practicing nutrition for years now and one thing I’ve learned is that for long-lasting change to occur, the shift needs to come from within.

I’m here for you.

I’m so excited to announce that I’ve just created a 3 month in person group Genuine Health. This is a super supportive group where we’ll learn and grow together. I teach the universal metabolizers and guide you on a journey of self-discovery to help you heal your relationship with food.

If you’re tired of…

  • Ups and downs of dieting
  • Counting calories
  • Doing exercise you don’t like
  • Not getting the results you want
  • Feeling deprived

Genuine Health is different than any other diet approach, working with the emotions, thoughts and beliefs around food.

There are only a few spots left available for Genuine Heath.

Healthy Hub Massage & Wellness

Next Group Starts March 15th 2018

How Much?
Only a $140 investment per month.
You’re Worth it!!
Imagine feeling at peace with food, body and mind.