
Discover what we do

Jane believes that massage is all about creating a connection with the body through using various techniques and adjusting pressure at various points.

“Many Massage centers have failed to form that connection with the body. But Jenn is amazing, she knows all the techniques very well and knows how to create a sensational feeling through massage.” Says Jane.

When Cathleen has severe neck and shoulders issues and she always comes to the Healthy Hub for massage.

“Jenn is a very sensible person and while giving massage she takes sensitive areas into consideration. I have issues with neck and shoulder muscles and Jenn has effectively worked on it. I have gotten rid of some knots in my shoulders and back.” Cathleen

Michelle had suffer with neck pain from 3 bulging disk and with one Craniosacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation treatment she is able to turn her head without pain for the first time in 3 years!

Jane believes that massage is all about creating a connection with the body through using various techniques and adjusting pressure at various points.

“Many Massage centers have failed to form that connection with the body. But Jenn is amazing, she knows all the techniques very well and knows how to create a sensational feeling through massage.” Says Jane.

At first Angela was very nervous about the challenge because she thought that sugar is in everything we eat but after accepting 10 day sugar detox challenge, she has become more conscious about sugar free diet.

“Now I feel more energetic, healthier and digestion has improved!” says Angela.